
Friday, 20 April 2018

Week 6

Digital Pedagogy: Reflective Synopsis

Digital Pedagogy

Digital technology has come a long way and in fact this advance in tech is one reason why I am pursuing a future career in teaching. This reflective synopsis will explore personal learnings implementing effective digital technology to create an engaging classroom. Although I am a self-proclaimed tech-nerd I have certainly learnt a lot! One of the things I have happily learnt is that my twenty years of graphic design and marketing abilities are not wasted and will assist me to create engaging content. Looking at the TPACK model “the complex interplay of three primary forms of knowledge: Content (CK), Pedagogy (PK), and Technology (TK).” (n.p, Koehler M, 2012) If I can combine my technological know-how with pedagogical knowledge and content knowledge this will enable the creation of a solid lesson.

Image Source:

Know the Students

Teaching today is dramatically different we have so much access to infinite amounts of information thanks to the Internet. Getting information is no longer the issue rather getting the right information.
Geography no longer forms a barrier to network and communication due to digital tools such as blogs, forums, web conferencing and messaging services such as SMS, Facebook and, Skype. Students communicate faster and use graphics such as emojis or often there is an expectation of instant gratification or response.

The biggest advantage tech provides a teacher is the ability to provide students with continual communication. Great communication resolves many issues that perturb a class environment such as confusion, frustration and, boredom.

Let's explore exactly who we are teaching? Gen Z! and soon Alpha. Gen Z is probably the most exciting generation we have ever had! They are informed, connected, caring, social and entrepreneurial. As a business/science/tech teacher; this generation is sure to teach me. I can't wait to learn with them! (Even if they do get a little distracted!)

Technology allows students to get involved. This is a real game changer. Engagement ensures that students are present, involved, and actively learning! Also, the teacher can interact with students and gauge how they are going too. These regular check-ins are not only crucial to ensuring subject comprehension but motivation as well. Real-time response is particularly important to students today who are used to social media and instant responses! Dr Willis further exemplifies engagement and the neurology of students with “video gaming principals as an effective way of motivating students.” (n.p. Willis J, 2013)

Implementing Technology

This course has introduced me to the SAMR model and how to implement it into Blooms taxonomy. Both of these models combined to assist in assessing whether the planned lesson engages students and promotes higher order thinking. Throughout this course what I have learnt the most is incredible ways to implement my technology skills to push the boundaries of teaching and create lessons which are interactive and engaging. This is truly exciting! The digital classroom if implemented correctly can allow access to students with various types of learning such as reading/writing, audio, visual and kinesthetic to actively engage in lessons. The aim of education is to create skills that students can transfer into their real world. Creating relevant context and a way for students to demonstrate these skills. This synopsis will explore what I have discovered to implement effective classroom technology using blogs, videos and presentation software using SAMR model.

Blogs – SAMR

As a future Biology teacher and Business teacher, I will definitely utilise a blog as a learning tool.


Create a food web: Students will create their own food web, working in small groups could create a graphical food web using graphics programs such as Powerpoint or slide share. Upload the image to a post and blog what their ecosystem includes.
Then in the following weeks what would happen if a particular animal no longer existed?
Each student in the group can have a different animal to predict and post their thoughts on the resulting change if an animal was removed.
For example,
Week 1 predict what would happen to the ecosystem if a predator animal was removed.
Week 2 Removed a plant?
Week 3 remove an omnivore?
Each student in the group could have a different animal to predict their changes as a result of an animal removal. This blog will be available for the whole class to see and would paint an interesting picture of ecological changes over a few weeks.


Videos open up an array of learning opportunities for students as it is really the ONLY media that can support students with all learning styles including visual, auditory, reading/writing and kinesthetic if implemented correctly.

image source:
Powerpoint theme source:
Audio: Modern theme song from iMovie



I could use a presentation to substitute textbook information by placing copy and images on power slides and students can then transcribe this information in their books.😩


I have added a youtube video about the digestive system in the presentation. Adding video to a presentation is fantastic to bring out another presenter or ideas.


I have added a link to an interactive website called Innerbody - This is the most awesome website I have ever seen it really brings anatomy to life!

Within a classroom setting, there are many opportunities to ask students to present ideas or their own discoveries by researching this site. There is 2D and 3D version.
I can further expand this presentation to include other body systems such as muscular, nervous, skeletal, lymphatic, cardiovascular and more! The presentation that I have currently created is only really the beginning and wouldn't it be fantastic (once I finish the entire human anatomy as this is a huge project!) with all the human systems. This can allow students to explore at their pace the different systems so if students are really into anatomy they can learn as much as they like!
I have added a link so that students can post and share their learning thoughts about the digestive system on my website a real interactive learning experience!


Now just imagine if students were able to create their own presentations using Prezi, I will use the AITSL National Professional Standards for teachers (n.p. 2004 Teaching Teachers for the Future) as the guide to demonstrate how this example of redefinition will transform the classroom experience.

I could get students to work in groups working on various systems and presenting their projects on my website

Of course, I would in a classroom setting change the privacy settings on the site as login access only for students to gain access to this information and see what other students have created and posted. This can allow for real conversation and growth of ideas! Just imagine a collection of several years of posting - the number of ideas, creations and stories that could develop as students post thoughts about each other's projects? This cross-classroom and cross-years postings can present students with more than just a classroom full of ideas.

Digital Literacy

Digital literacy is one’s ability to negotiate and implement ITC effectively to redefine the classroom experience. To demonstrate my personal literacy journey and proficiency I know I have the design know-how as I know how to create websites, forums and super engaging content. This course has assisted me in developing methods to implement these tools effectively in the classroom. To assist students to not only engage in the learning content that I am presenting them but to really push how they engage in a learning environment and effectively take charge of their own learning. Teaching is no longer “static” and reliant on the teacher saying things and students doing things. Teaching has really developed, and we have now moved to a new dimension where students are the facilitators and teachers are simply there to guide and “redefine the role of the learner as a contributor, collaborator, and leader in the learning culture.” (p.6 November, A. 2012) My goal as a teacher is to be the facilitator to enable students to grow, expand and not only just learn but really implement their learning to make it relatable and relevant. Through engaging in this course as a learner I have experienced how technology is a powerful collaborative tool to allow learners to learn from each other. Social media such as blogs and forums provide a fabulous landscape to achieve this. I also understand the impacts of the digital footprint and mindful of ensuring students are educated and how students and as a teacher ensure student safety and the implementation of these tools are legal by referencing sourced media.


1. Koehler M., (2012) TPACK Explained:

2. Willis, J (2013). Video Game MODEL for Motivated Learning : Dr. Judy Willis at TEDxASB

3. ICT Innovation Fund Teaching Teachers for the Future. (2004) NATIONAL PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS FOR TEACHERS ICT Elaborations or Graduate Teacher Standards

4. November, A. (2012). Who owns the learning? : Preparing students for success in the digital age. Retrieved from

Friday, 6 April 2018

Week 5

Reflection 3: Effective Classroom Presentation

A large role in teaching is the act of presenting ideas to students. A great presentation is engaging and an actively engaged class is a successful class. For more ideas on the power of effective presentations check out this blog by Ari Sherbal

This reflection focuses on effective classroom presentation ideas. Let's begin with the hardware required to make a presentation because this often overlooked and quite frankly critical step causes immense panic and embarrassment. The moment you are standing in front of the class as the brilliant presentation you spent 12 hours on and finished at 2am while suffering a mean caffeine addiction falls into shambles because you don't have an HDMI adapter - Doh!

Image Source: Created by Heidi Counsell 2018.

Presentation Survival tips - You need:

  • A computer or tablet to create your presentation
  • Software to create the presentation
  • Resources (copy, images, video, audio) to put into your presentation
  • A monitor such as a smart board to present it 
  • Audio speakers
  • VGA or HDMI adapter to connect to your PC or tablet. (Hint: If you are using an iPad you will need a lighting to Digital AV adapter for HDMI or lighting to VGA adapter for VGA monitors) as a secondary education teacher would be worth keeping both on board jic as you never know which class you end up in.

Software to create Presentation:

Depending on what device you use there are several presentation apps. Here's a quick list to get started:

Mac OS or iPad: Keynote, Powerpoint (Office for Mac or Office 365 for iPad)
Windows PC: PowerPoint
Online: SlideShare, Powtoon, Prezi


Presentations can include copy which is text in different colours or sizes, images such as jpg, png, gif, animated gif, or videos such as youtube or recorded and self-made videos, graphs, and audio files.


Make sure you reference your sources such as images, graphs, audio files or videos as not doing so is illegal! As mentioned in previous blogs ensure the content provided in your presentations are age appropriate.
Image Source:

Creating a Presentation: Prezi 

I am most familiar with PowerPoint here is an example of a powerpoint presentation I created for a Grade 9 class last year about Magnetic Striping. Please note that I had not sourced the images as this is something I have really become more mindful of since engaging in this course.

Today I want to try out presentation creation using Prezi because I have never used this software and seems like it has some surprising differences which I want to explore! One of these features is slide animation which is not static like power-point or keynote. Instead, you are clicking onto topic links that includes rotation animation.

Prezi is an online cloud-based presentation app which has free or paid options. The free options limit you to only saving online live and unable to play youtube videos unless it is live. There are paid options that allow you to save the presentation onto your device with offline access. Could be handy if you have no internet because some school's internet is a little hit and miss so having offline access when presenting to a class is handy! 

Access Prezi by clicking on the logo you will see a login screen. You can either create an account or login using a Facebook or Google account (I used google). But what I am really excited about is the free flow animations which make the presentation non-linear (going from start to finish) very cool!

Prezi has quite a few templates to get you started and has an indicator novice to master so that you can pick a template for your ability (or time!) For anything new I like to try blank templates so I can explore how it works so I have picked the basic blank template for this project.

Images sourced: 

You may notice that the blank template says Master so this could be a horrible mistake as I am a newbie!

Chose basic template and clicked on use this template Here is the first page where I can change the Heading, Subtitles, add a topic, insert images and change template colours (Phew! So much to do!)
Images sourced: 

My presentation is for a Biology class on anatomy - The Digestive system, I found a nice background image of a human in blue. Created the digestive system circular image using gimp as a transparent png file and changed the fonts and colours to light contrasting colours against the dark blue background.

Implementing Presentations in classrooms using SAMR:

As a biology teacher, I will use teaching human anatomy as an illustration for SAMR 


I could use a presentation to substitute textbook information by placing copy and images on power slides and students can then transcribe this information in their books. 😩


I have added a youtube video about the digestive system in the presentation. Adding video to a presentation is fantastic to bring out another presenter or ideas.


I have added a link to an interactive website called Innerbody - This is the most awesome website I have ever seen it really brings anatomy to life! 

Within a classroom setting, there are many opportunities to ask students to present ideas or their own discoveries by researching this site. There is 2D and 3D version.

I can further expand this presentation to include other body systems such as muscular, nervous, skeletal, lymphatic, cardiovascular and more! The presentation that I have currently created is only really the beginning and wouldn't it be fantastic (once I finish the entire human anatomy as this is a huge project!) with all the human systems. This can allow students to explore at their pace the different systems so if students are really into anatomy they can learn as much as they like!

I have added a link so that students can post and share their learning thoughts about the digestive system on my website a real interactive learning experience!


Now just imagine if students were able to create their own presentations using Prezi, I could get students to work in groups working on various systems and presenting their projects on my website 

Of course, I would in a classroom setting change the privacy settings on the site as login access only for students to gain access to this information and see what other students have created and posted. This can allow for real conversation and growth of ideas! Just imagine a collection of several years of posting - the number of ideas, creations and stories that could develop as students post thoughts about each other's projects? This cross-classroom and cross-years postings can present students with more than just a classroom full of ideas.

Friday, 30 March 2018

Week 4

Reflection 2: Videos in the Classroom

Lights 💡, camera 📷, classroom 🙋! 
Get your popcorn ready because today I am going to explore how videos can be an effective tool in the classroom. If a picture can say a thousand words just imagine moving pictures and audio!!

What Can Videos Do?

Videos open up an array of learning opportunities for students as it is really the ONLY media that can support students with all learning styles including visual, auditory, reading/writing and kinesthetic if implemented correctly. To illustrate what I mean by this take a look at this video created using stop-motion to derive a formula for the area of a circle.
 I am definitely going to implement this technique to teach math concepts to students. You will notice that the student can learn through visual by drawing the circle and looking at the coloured shapes forming a circle then a parallelogram. Writing and reading students will learn by writing down the formulas and keywords such as "radius" or "diameter". Cutting out slices of paper to form a circle and physically measuring it. Then using a string to measure the circumference assists kinesthetic learners. This video could have been further enhanced auditory learners by adding audio (Adding audio to video is tricky). I am sure the auditory learners would have greatly benefited from the process of creating this movie by talking and listening while creating and working out the problem.

Being a business/science teacher I am sure to be teaching math to year 7 to 10 students and look forward to using this method to create critical thinking and problem-solving skills that will inevitably develop a rich understanding of core concepts.

Is Video Easy to Use?

No, no it's not! From all the media types video is the most complex. However, you certainly can produce a really great movie with some effort and assistance from great apps. Be mindful that you would have to teach students the steps to create a movie using a particular app before implementing this as a class activity and which app you use is dependent on what hardware the student is using (iPad, Mac or Windows computer?). When creating movies you need to consider what is being used to create the movie? What type of files are you adding to the movie? The size of files for images or video files added to the movie - this is a big one as you don't want to upload a 6GB file this would cause chaos with the ability to upload and viewer to view (download or stream) as well.

Video Technical Considerations:

  • If you are presenting a video to your class I would highly recommend doing a test for sound and video before the class to make sure your device (computer, iPad etc) connects and sound and video works. Connections to the smart board or projector are usually HDMI or VGA if you have an iPad you will need a lightning to VGA or lightning to HDMI adapter (digital AV adapter).
  • If you are implementing a project that involves creating a video for the class make sure you include the time to teach students how to create the video although there would likely be kids with their own youtube channel already - These kids are useful for peer support - use them!
  • Be aware that creating a video involves using multiple apps such as video editing, image editing, and sound or recording software.
  • Equipment for video editing is also important. The easiest is an iPad an iPad can record and play video, edit images and edit videos. If you are using a Windows laptop then you may need additional equipment such as a video camera or if a microphone is not included you may require audio equipment.

Which Movie apps?

I have used a number of movie editors and my favourite would have to be iMovie. This is an app available for iPads and iPhones through IOS or the Apple operating system which is FREE. Considering a large proportion of students are using iPads in secondary school this is a particularly useful platform as it is free, user-friendly and completely customisable and is extremely useful whether you are a novice or a professional. You can create truly stunning videos. Another great movie editor I have stumbled upon is Light Works. This app is designed for Windows computers and is also free. But admittingly not as nice as iMovie a little more clunky and harder to navigate but can still produce similarly great movies.

Creating a Video for Teaching

To create this video I used my iPhone to record the video. Then I used powerpoint to create visuals to illustrate the implementation of video through the SAMR model and exported it as an mp4 file.

I used gimp to edit the student sitting in the chair.  by using paths to cut away the chair in the background then exported the image as a png to remove back ground.

I inserted audio (modern included in iMovie app) and split the audio at the start and reduced this to 0% until I stopped talking. I also increased the volume from my recording by 200% as I didn't use any microphones to record at the time.

image source:
Powerpoint theme source:
Audio: Modern theme song from iMovie

Implementing Video in a Business class using SAMR

Below is a mind map that I created using powerpoint and Thinglink. This illustrates how I use video to teach how to create business plans for business students.

Image Sources: Substitution image: Augmentation image Modification image: Redefinition image:


When showing videos such as youtube (including advertising) make sure the content is age appropriate and not offensive.

When creating videos identity and privacy is the biggest risk factor. Don't publicly upload any videos unless you have permission and make sure there is no danger of a student's identity being compromised. The use of log-in or submitting through a blog that needs to be logged in to access is a good workaround. Where possible do not say or write names.

Friday, 23 March 2018

Week 3

Reflection 1: Blogging about Blogs!

I have chosen to write about blogs because I'm curious and excited about the potential as a fantastic classroom tool!

What Can Blogs Do?  

A blog is like an interactive journal that contains posts. A post can contain words, images, links, video and audio similar to a website however unlike a website blogs adds a post with the most recent post sitting on top. In this blog, you will see week 1 post is sitting at the bottom of the page and this most recent post at the top. Allowing easy access to the most recent information. A website is rather one-sided as it provides the reader/viewer with information. A blog site can have pages (like a website) but the primary purpose is posting thoughts, reflections or ideas and then having the ability for others to comment and interact with your ideas. Blogs open up a world for collaboration, interaction and pushing new ideas in a group environment. The potential in a classroom environment is enormous!

Why Post?

Much like a teacher standing at the front of a class teaching. A website is great if you just want to see the teacher (including quirks and personality) however at times this can seem like a mono-drone teacher at the front waffling on about stuff - Sorry...What did you say?
image source:

A blog allows students to get involved. This is a real game changer. Engagement ensures that students are present, involved, and actively learning! Also, the teacher can interact with students and gauge how they are going too. These regular check-ins are not only crucial to ensuring subject comprehension but motivation as well. Real-time response is particularly important to students today who are used to social media and instant responses! Dr Willis further exemplifies engagement and the neurology of students with the video game model.

I particularly LOVE this little quote by Matt Miller "learning is a conversation"

No longer do we just take answers at face value we discuss, explore, challenge and further develop ideas - innovate if you will.

Blog Settings

A blog is customisable including a large choice of already created themes or for the extra savvy, you can code in the HTML (however this takes a bit of skill). The background, page colour schemes, font sizes, types and colours are all customisable. As long as you have abilities to do word documents and some basic desktop publishing you can accomplish a pretty great looking blog. I have done so with this blog without complex knowledge of HTML. I chose a Travel theme and theme image by Matt Vince then completely customised the background, fonts and colours in advanced settings to achieve the look I wanted.

Blogs allow you to multi-author by inviting authors which you can set as admin (add content change settings) or basic (add content only). Due care must be taken to ensure admin is only offered to people who you trust to make any changes without your approval.

I have also linked this blog to both my website and workspace - Linking to various mediums makes it seamless for students to navigate from one media to another.


This blog currently has no privacy settings setup. In a classroom context, there would be a high level of privacy. Only members who have a login can access the site (students and teacher only). I would ensure students have alias blogger names such as a student number to protect identity. Posting by students and as a teacher would be monitored to ensure the photos posts and copywriting does not contain information that may compromise a student's identity.

SAMR Model

As a future Biology teacher, I am going to illustrate the potential of blog use in a classroom. Teaching ecosystems to high school students using the SAMR model. Instead of this worksheet:


I can put a link on the blog site with a great diagram of a food web.


Post Khan Academy ecosystem tutorial


Post a Video and Post a Question: After watching the Khan Acadamy youtube video. I could post an image of an ecosystem and pose a question on this blog site which asks students what would happen if an animal was to be removed from the ecosystem? What effect will this have? Post your answers.


Create a food web: Students will create their own food web, working in small groups could create a graphical food web using graphics programs such as Powerpoint or slide share. Upload the image to a post and blog what their ecosystem includes.

Then in the following weeks what would happen if a particular animal no longer existed?

Each student in the group can have a different animal to predict and post their thoughts on the resulting change if an animal was removed.

For example,

Week 1 predict what would happen to the ecosystem if a predator animal was removed.
Week 2 Removed a plant?
Week 3 remove an omnivore?

Each student in the group could have a different animal to predict their changes as a result of an animal removal. This blog will be available for the whole class to see and would paint an interesting picture of ecological changes over a few weeks.

Friday, 16 March 2018

Week 2

The Connected Generation

Teaching today is dramatically different we have so much access to infinite amounts of information thanks to the Internet. That getting information is no longer the issue rather getting the right information.

Geography no longer forms a barrier to network and communication due to digital tools such as blogs, forums, web conferencing and messaging services such as SMS, Facebook and, Skype. Students communicate faster and use emojis or often there is an expectation of instant gratification or response - bye bye snail mail.

The biggest advantage tech provides a teacher is the ability to provide students with continual communication. Great communication resolves many issues that perturb a class environment such as confusion, frustration and, boredom.

First of all, let's explore exactly who we are teaching? Gen Z! and soon Alpha. Actually, Gen Z is probably the most exciting generation we have ever had! They are informed, connected, caring, social and entrepreneurial. Seriously wow! As a business/science/tech teacher; this generation is sure to teach me. I can't wait to learn with them! (Even if they do get a little distracted!)

img source:

Digital Teaching Tools:

The following teaching tools will assist in not only implementing ICT but transforming the class experience through the use of ITC.

Blooms Taxonomy:

img source:


img source:


img source:

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Week 1

Welcome to my blogsite!

img source:
Today I explore unchartered territory with my first blog ever. The ever so encouraging words from my teenage son "OMG Mum you blog??!" - and yeah I blog! (Seriously how hard could this be? - Nose bleeding)

Although I consider myself tech savvy even the savviest of techs can never let down their guard as there is always something new around the corner and something different to explore! Most importantly this is a personal journey into how I can apply these technological skills into a classroom setting to not only enhance a class but transform the learning experience as something which is more tangiable, relatable and innovative.

Here I hope that you discover the magic of science, technology and, education. We live in an exciting time right now in the fact that the world is evolving rapidly and more than ever we as a species have to be adaptable. This includes having the ability to create, innovate, and implement new ideas. As a teacher my ultimate goal is to equip skills that are relatable and transferable to negotiate this world in which we don't really know what tommorow brings?

I hope through exploring this blogsite just a bit of science, technology and entrepreneurship may brush off and leave you hungry for more!
For more information about me please visit my site

Want to collaborate with me on my workspace? - Click on the robot to go!

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